The School Council is formed with the fundamental purpose of enabling parents and members of the community to engage in activities that are in the best interests of the students and that will enhance the education provided by the school.
The functions of every School Council in a government school are to take part in:
a) establishing and reviewing the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions;
b) promote the school in the community.
c) provide advice on policy for religious education and implementation of special religious education.
d) determine, in consultation, a dress code for students.
e) approve:
The School Council has been structured according to the Department of Education Regulations. The Committee’s purpose is to ensure that the school’s mission statement is implemented effectively. Membership consists of the Principal, three elected parents and two teachers elected by the staff of the school. All members are elected for a period of not more than three years and may be reappointed more than once. Meetings are held at regular intervals, usually once a term.
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