Weld Square Primary School is a school that pursues academic excellence and offers a recognised best-practice pastoral care program to all of its students. The school, with its well-established gardens, is surrounded by native bushlands and parklands and located in the suburb of Morley; 10 km northeast of Perth, actively promotes environmental sustainability throughout the whole school community.
This unique urban bushland setting offers a variety of excellent learning opportunities for Science and Environmental studies. The school’s extensive gardens include; native gardens and “veggie” plots. In 2022 the Noongar Six Seasons Garden was completed.
For many of the school population, English is their second language. These children come from many different countries including Albania, Bosnia, Vietnam, Laos, China, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, New Zealand, Sudan, Macedonia, The Philippines, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, Italy, Serbia, and Zimbabwe. Another notable fact is; many of the current students’ parents received their primary education at Weld Square Primary School.
The School’s motto, ‘Loyalty, Friendship, Respect, and Excellence’, is reflected in the curriculum offered and values the development of the whole child. Our learning programs are designed to cater to the learning styles, talents, and needs of our students. In addition to the basic curriculum, special programs are provided in Music, Health, and Physical Education (Protective Behaviours), Information Communication Technology, Mandarin, and Library studies. The Zones of Regulation Program underpins all pastoral care programs including behavior management, student leadership, and peer mediation programs. The School has an active Chaplaincy program available to all members of our school community.
A very experienced staff, most of who have been at the school for many years, utilise their expertise to ensure that the learning needs of each child are addressed. The curriculum is further supplemented by the school’s focus on the extensive provision of information and communication technology throughout the school. Weld Square Primary School has Interactive Whiteboards in all learning areas from Kindergarten to Year 6, as well as the Library, Science, and Music rooms. This new technology has had a positive and vibrant impact on the learning environment. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have access to iPads to support their learning programs.
The school opened in 1970 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. The school buildings including both the modern architectural style of the new Library/ICT Centre and Undercover Area which also houses a Specialist Music Learning Area and Canteen and the cluster buildings typical of the 1970s set amidst mature gardens and native bushlands provide the scene for a pleasant learning and working environment. The flexible space and an abundance of teaching and learning areas facilitate the organization of varied groupings of children to meet their ever-changing needs. Most classes have access to double the normal learning area space. Cooperative team teaching arrangements enrich the learning programs for all students.
The achievements and progress of our school are strongly supported by parents who are actively involved at all levels of the school program. This is evident in the work of our Parents and Citizens Association, School Council, Environmental Committee, and Uniform Shop. The school also works closely with the City of Bayswater to provide before and after-school care and holiday programs through the Morley Out of School Care Centre located on school grounds. This is a huge support for working parents and their children.
Over time our school has developed an outstanding reputation which is supported by our quality education program, successful public relations, and positive communications with all of our partners: students, parents, staff, local schools and community, Edith Cowan University, TAFE Polytechnic, and business networks.
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