P&C Associations are an officially recognised forum where anyone interested in the welfare of students attending government schools can meet to discuss educational issues.
The objectives of the association are to promote the interests of the school or group of schools for which it is formed through:
a) cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community;
b) assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school or schools; and
c) the fostering of community interest in educational matters.”
(School Education Act 1999, part 3, division 8, subdivision 2, section 143(1)).
Weld Square has an active P&C Association, which provides many facilities and gives great support to the school. New members are very welcome at meetings. Meeting dates are always pre-advertised via the school newsletter, term planners and website calendar.
Parents may choose to make a yearly contribution of $60 per family to support the fundraising efforts of the P&C. It is separate from the School Contributions and Charges made to the school as listed on the school personal items list. Where one or both parents work, it is understandable that some families would prefer to make a voluntary contribution ($40 or whatever is affordable) in lieu of personal involvement in fundraising activities.
© Copyright Weld Square Primary School